Tuesday, June 07, 2005

"The collapse of the old marketing model will unleash vast forces, and it will be coming at you. The marketing world isn't ready yet. The agency world isn't ready yet. Hollywood isn't ready yet. The online universe certainly isn't ready yet."
-- Bob Garfield, Editor-at-Large at Advertising Age

I'm not at OMMA and I don't want to take a juicy quote out of context but
I can't help but wonder if Bob Garfield, the premiere reviewer of :30 in the country, is ready for the collapse.

The reality is that marketers already spend billions online every quarter. Yes, the online universe can use more money but the system is well primed to take and recieve. Publishers still offload remnant inventory at rock bottom prices because there simply isn't enough quality advertising money to go around.

AdAge's readership, mostly traditional agency execs, built their business on buying :30 spots. Fortunately for them, continued expansion of broadband ensures a future for tv. In the short and long run, advertisers will transition to :15 spots and run them online...meanwhile searching for remarkable ways to improve the impact of their standard web units.

The buying marketplace will continue to fragment over time. It will be difficult to reach 20MM people over 30 seconds in one moment . But the good news is that when you run your ads, people will see them.


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